How It Works
Submit Your Cards
Simply send your cards to our secure facility.
Grading Process
Our experienced graders carefully examine your cards to determine their condition and authenticity.
Receive Your Graded Cards
Your graded cards will be returned to you with a certified grading label.
Why Choose Us
Accurate Assessments:
Our experienced graders adhere to strict industry standards to ensure accurate card evaluations.
Secure Storage:
Your cards are stored in a secure facility, protected from damage and loss.
Fast Turnaround:
Receive your graded cards quickly, with a guaranteed turnaround time.
Competitive Pricing:
Enjoy affordable grading fees without compromising quality.
Online Convenience:
Manage your submissions, track the grading process, and view your graded cards conveniently online.
Expert Consultation:
Our team of experts is available to answer your questions and provide guidance.

- Monthly Subscription: $500.
- Includes: Enjoy a monthly subscription that includes 10 free cards graded each month.
- Up to: 50 cards graded per month.
- Discount: Enjoy grading up to 50 cards per month with your subscription. Beyond that, it's just $8 per card.
For a one-time setup fee.
The $500 setup fee is a one-time investment that provides you with exclusive access to our premium club membership. This fee covers the initial setup costs and ensures a seamless experience.
- Lifetime Free Shipping: Never pay another dime for shipping your cards to and from our facility.
- Priority Grading: Members receive highest priority in the grading queue.
- Access to Experts: Exclusive access to grading experts for consultations and advice.